Preloading - Growfy Webflow Template




about us

We're here to help you grow!

Our main goal is to support your growth! We know how hard and expensive it is to build a communication team. That’s why our startup is more than proud to offer you support in a brand new model - Communication as a service.

We help our clients to bring together and execute in line with company strategy such activities as marketing, public relations, partnerships, social media communication and events presence. We're a partner who helps startups to reach their goals which might be oriented on fundraising, client acquisitions or anything else you want to achieve!

our story

Experience gathered over years...

We combine experience from the world of startups, venture capital, PR, marketing, events organization, community building, and social media. This allows us to address the needs of our clients broadly and comprehensively.

What's more, we're not just a company that carries out the tasks you delegate to us, but thanks to our experience, whenever you need us, we're a partner for brainstorming and discussion...a partner for your growth!


The core values behind our work

Our work is rooted in transparency and trust, allowing us to cultivate enduring relationships built on the synergy and effectiveness of collaboration. Take a glimpse below to discover the stories our clients have shared about our shared endeavors.


Our cooperation is built on mutual trust, enabling us to deliver valuable projects with speed and efficiency.


Effective communication activities require consistent time and effort to ensure the achievement of set goals.

Goals oriented

We prioritize your goals and those of your company, carefully selecting the most suitable tools and actions to support you in achieving them.

our mission

Sharing knowledge is not only rewarding but also enjoyable!

We actively share our knowledge and experience by participating as jury members in startup competitions like ImpactCEE and Pirate Summit, and engaging in events such as Startup Weekend as be sure to meet us soon during one of startups events!

Let's talk!

Let us be your plug-in
communication team!